Registration and Records
Purpose Statement:
The primary purpose of the Office of the Registration and Records is to contribute to the mission of Spring Arbor University by overseeing accurate documentation and progress of students as master learners.
Function Statement:
The Office of Registration and Records functions primarily in three ways:
- guardian and steward over academic records, policy and history,
- advisor for curriculum and academic policy development, and
- collaborator in and executor of processes and procedures that support the administration and maintenance of academic programs and educational offerings
The Office of Registration and Records:
- Provides academic support services to students, faculty, and administrative offices;
- Serves as a resource for various community and governmental agencies; and
- Maintains academic records in a service-oriented, efficient and friendly environment.
Services that we provide:
- Applications for Graduation
- Assistance with Changes to Registration
- Classroom Reservations
- Course Scheduling
- Credit by Exam
- FAQs
- Grading
- Graduation Audits
- Special (Form) Registrations
- Transcript Requests
- Transfer Evaluations
- University Statistics
- Verification of Enrollment